Brazil World Cup 2014: 25 travel highlights


Oh I beg to differ, I think we have a lot to discuss. After all, you are a client. He taught me a code. To survive. You’re a killer. I catch killers. Finding a needle in a haystack isn’t hard when every straw is computerized. Somehow, I doubt that. You have a good heart, Dexter.

Road Kill

God created pudding, and then he rested. You all right, Dexter? I think he’s got a crush on you, Dex! I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never told anyone before.

  • This man is a knight in shining armor.
  • This man is a knight in shining armor.
  • God created pudding, and then he rested.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Cops, another community I’m not part of. This man is a knight in shining armor. This man is a knight in shining armor.

First Blood

I’m really more an apartment person. This man is a knight in shining armor. Somehow, I doubt that. You have a good heart, Dexter. You all right, Dexter? I’m real proud of you for coming, bro. I know you hate funerals. I am not a killer.

  1. God created pudding, and then he rested.
  2. I think he’s got a crush on you, Dex!
  3. You all right, Dexter?
  4. Cops, another community I’m not part of.
Teenage Wasteland

I’m generally confused most of the time. Like a sloth. I can do that. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. Finding a needle in a haystack isn’t hard when every straw is computerized.

The British Invasion

Finding a needle in a haystack isn’t hard when every straw is computerized. Somehow, I doubt that. You have a good heart, Dexter. Under normal circumstances, I’d take that as a compliment. You all right, Dexter?


  • Criteria 1
  • Criteria 2
  • Criteria 3


I’m generally confused most of the time. Like a sloth. I can do that. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. Finding a needle in a haystack isn’t hard when every straw is computerized.

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